So many changes….

Since the last time I wrote, I have moved, started a different school this year, and found some interesting projects to do around the house.

I still continue to paint the cabinets, I guess this is a 15 minute at a time kinda project, and definitely a procrastination on the parts of it I don’t like, lol.  After all, who LIKES to prepare a surface for paint instead of just painting?  I had a fake fireplace (one of those things that looks like a stone fireplace and has an electrical thing that supposedly looks like a fire), and I had been using it as a bookshelf for the last few years.  But in this household, the kids have lots of books to read and look at, and they were overcrowding, so the stone part got downsized yesterday and it now encapsulates a 30″ 2 shelf bookcase.  We have also been working on getting the flowers replanted at the new lot and trying to plan next years garden,  I will have loads of fun next spring. 🙂

So that and homework has been my main projects lately, Big and Little are both having fun in school and learning about the homework stuff too…. well, at least Big is,   Little likes to color. 🙂

If anyone would like to give me feedback, please do not hesitate to write me at  I would love to know what you want to hear about, ideas you would like to see, or questions you have, pretty much anything you want to let me know.

Thanks and have a Creative Day!


Keepin’ Busy

I have continued to work on the cabinets a little bit at a time,   priming/painting.  Had to pick up some paint because the mustard yellow color I thought I had I can’t find.  I have also been painting some signs for the bike shop.  I will work on lettering those some more when I get back from a bike ride and quick trip to a friends house.

I have been seeing lots of things that I would like to try my hand and sewing, but that will be a project for when my house is a bit more organized and I can get to the sewing machine.

I also got the trailer side cut down from Woodfolk.  I still need to mount the long portion of that and get hooks in it for my pot rack.  The part that has the wording on it will be hung above the short cabinet as soon as it is done.

Moving in…

I have finally started painting the cabinets that I got 2 months ago. One is an old metal type, and the other wooden. Dusty and dirty when they first came to stay here, definitely needing a coat of paint. But they sat.

What do I store in them? What color should they be? Where should they sit? After a lot of thought, they have come to rest in what I would have thought to be a most unusual spot— but it works. The kitchen has been rearranged, and works better for the most part. The wooden has become pantry space in the top and craft supply storage for the kiddos in the bottom. The metal one on the other hand has become the treasure chest of the candle maker in residence. And as I picked up a home-made cosmetics/beauty recipe book it will probably house supplies from the mad scientist as well. lol. I just received word that the fragrance oils and lip balm supplies are on their way, so who knows. 🙂 I might have to have the kids help with the first batch. And this brings me to color. I finally found it.

The most beautiful shade of green. My friends husband calls it olive drab. I suppose he is right. I would describe it as somewhere between celery and sea foam. I don’t picture camo when I look at it, but the color of tall grass in a windswept field. I also found some mustard yellow which will compliment the tuscan theme and the green nicely. For the metal I’m thinking a blue that is somewhere between cornflower and bright sky blue.

Back to painting….

Fragrance Tumbler

The last few days I have had different fragrances tumbling around in my head. I need to pour quite a few before the shows, but the question is, which ones do I start with?

I still need to pour Strawberry Jam. A neighbor needs a refill and it is back down to a cool enough temperature to pour even though I haven’t gotten the AC fixed yet. I had better do that before Indian Summer hits or I will need to be looking at moving the candles out of here before they melt. I suppose that is a downside to a low melt temperature, but it is still safer for the kids and makes good hand lotion.

I am also thinking about starting to make some homemade cosmetics/skin care products. I haven’t found anything that is natural and reasonably priced that I like. If anyone has suggestions that would be great. Otherwise I think I will be buying some things to start working on lip balm and moisturizer when I go to the store on Friday.

Welcome to the Comfy Cottage!

As I’m waiting for some wax to cool, I thought it would be nice to have a way to casually talk to people about the creative things that I’m doing.  So here goes.

I am currently working on a batch of Sweet Pea candles.  A batch I’ve been waiting to pour for almost 2 weeks.  I have finally started bringing the candle stuff up from Dad’s, and have been thinking about where to go from here, and what needs to be done before show season starts.

I will be adding shows to the calendar as I send in the registrations so you will know where to find your favorite candles to have a sniff session this year.  I really love talking to people at the craft shows, hearing all of the wonderful stories about fragrances in peoples lives.  Tomorrow I will have to tell you about my biggest story related to fragrances.

I have quite a list of things that need poured before the first show.  For that matter I need to figure out when that is.  Mom dealt with all of that so unfortunately I just kind of showed up when she told me to, to load, and set up or whatnot.  Gingerbread, Hot Apple Pie, Sugar Cookie.  Home for the Holidays, Balsam Pine, and Pomander, Oh my!

I’ve also been working on an Etsy store. Comfy Cottage Crafts is currently in a construction phase, but will soon be the home of not only Comfy Cottage Soy Candles, but also Stampin’ Up! Stamps, Vintage Sew News issues, and hopefully as I get into the swing of things with school I will be able to add dreamcatchers as well.

So this is a preview of what is coming up, and what I am working on. Looks like the wax is cooling well now, so I better get jars ready.
